Early Postpartum

A virtual group series for moms who are 0-12 months postpartum

This eight week virtual series is open to all moms (not just first time moms!) with children 0-12 months who are looking for community and support in their early postpartum period.

Scroll down to join the waitlist to get early access to registration and a discount.


We tell moms-to-be that preparing for motherhood is about shopping for strollers, car seats, cribs, nurseries and cute outfits. Yet motherhood is really about the profound internal transformation - physical, emotional, social, economic and existential - that a mother experiences as they become a mom and journey through motherhood. This is matrescence.

In the early postpartum days, it’s normal to:

  • Feel that your whole life is changing

  • Miss your old life

  • Feel that your transition to motherhood is taking longer than you thought

  • Be overwhelmed by feeling needed all the time

  • Wonder, “Am I doing enough?”

  • Feel like you’re failing

While there are thousands of books and courses on parenting, almost all of them focus on the child’s well-being, not the mother’s.

At the heart of this program is your experience as a mother: how you are feeling, transitioning, learning and growing. This is matrescence - the developmental process one goes through as they become a mother and journey through motherhood


We will talk openly about the joys and challenges of new motherhood. Together, we’ll:

  • Explore matrescence, your shifting identity and the inner split: who you used to be and who you are becoming.

  • Process your postpartum reality versus postpartum expectations.

  • Get comfortable with contradictory and ambivalent feelings, such as complaint and gratitude, a desire for closeness and the need for space, total joy and utter despair. 

  • Determine where you can let go of resistance and bring more ease into your experience of motherhood.  

  • Determine how you can prioritize your well-being. I’m not talking about making time for bubble baths and meditation. We’ll talk about what you need to feel well and what perspectives and beliefs you need to shift to make your well-being a priority.

 This program is for you if:

  • You are seeking an open and honest community who are in a similar stage.

  • You want a space to explore your thoughts and feelings, without judgment. 

  • Your current reality of motherhood is different than your expectation.

  • You feel as if you give yourself wholly to those around you, and you also want to make space to fulfill your own needs. 

  • You are tired, overwhelmed or longing for more fulfillment in your experience of motherhood.

You are most welcome to bring your baby to the weekly session and chestfeeding/feeding is welcome.

If you have any questions about the program, please don’t hesitate to email me.

What previous program participants have said:

This program has allowed me to shift my mindset from one of self-judgement and shame, to that of exploration and curiosity. I feel I have gained the same space and acceptance for myself that Cayley and the other moms offered during the sessions. My confidence in the decisions I make as a mother has increased and I no longer require external validation.

— Mom, 8 months PP

What was most valuable was feeling seen! It was incredibly refreshing to connect with moms who were equally vulnerable and open about their motherhood journey. It was also comforting knowing that I had a safe space to share my experience and emotions. I left every session feeling lighter, validated and supported.

— Mom, 8 months PP

This program increased my understanding of matrescence and helped me define the seismic shifts experienced in new motherhood. This awareness has given me more self compassion as a new mother and an unwavering respect for all mothers.

— Mom, 2 months PP

Anyone who identifies as a mother is welcome to join this program. This is a safe space for members of the LGBTQIA2S+ community and for adoptive, foster, and biological parents.