Live Programs

  • Early Motherhood


    This eight week virtual series is open to all moms (not just first time moms!) with children 0-12 months who are looking for community and support in their early postpartum period. Together we’ll explore your matrescence, reconcile reality vs. expectation, get comfortable with the rainbow of emotions that motherhood brings, determine how you can bring more ease into motherhood and how you can prioritize your well-being.

    This program will have you feel supported during this extraordinary time of growth - your matrescence.

  • Navigating Paid Work & Motherhood


    The reality of modern day working motherhood is that most mothers feel like they’re never giving enough at work or at home. The to-do list is never-ending and time for yourself often falls to the bottom.

    This eight week program will support you to explore how you’ve evolved through your matrescence, redefine ‘work/life balance’, explore guilt, define your values, better manage paid work and domestic responsibilities, set boundaries and prioritize your energy.

    The goal of this program? Clearer boundaries, more calm, more time to yourself, less guilt and more self compassion.

Self Paced

  • Early Motherhood


    Seeking support to process the enormous identity change through the early days, weeks and months of motherhood? This is it. While typical postpartum classes focus on how to care for your baby, this eight part audio series will support you to process your transformation as a mother and the realities of early motherhood.

    It’s been created purely as audio content so that you can listen to it in the middle of the night with babe in your arms.

  • Exploring your Matrescence


    I believe the knowledge of matrescence has the power to transform your experience of motherhood. This course will explore your unique experience of motherhood, the identity shift of matrescence and the personal growth that comes from raising a child. You will unpack the pressures of motherhood, determine your needs and how you can meet them and get clear on your values and priorities.

  • Returning to Work


    Returning to work is a big transition that forms a part of your matrescence. Many of the tools available to moms returning to paid work focus on the ‘what’ - what conversations to have, household logistics, and childcare planning, but this course will focus on YOU and your journey throughout this major transition. This is for the moms wanting to consciously approach this transition, all of the feelings that it brings up and the reconciliation of your ‘old’ professional identity with who you are now as a mother.

  • Navigating Paid Work & Motherhood


    Ever wondered if you’re the only person that feels that being a ‘working mother’ is harder than you thought it would be? Trust me - you’re not the only one. This program will support you to untangle yourself from impossible societal expectations, explore inner beliefs that are holding you back and develop your inner authority so that you feel more present and fulfilled in your mothering, your paid work and in all areas of your life.