
A program for those navigating paid work and motherhood

For working mothers, the current societal definition of success sounds like this:

You have a successful and fulfilling career, are a present and devoted mom and have plenty of time for yourself and your own self care. Somehow you manage to do it all effortlessly and flawlessly. Oh, and you have the perfect partnership, too.

In reality - the above feels impossible most of the time; you likely feel like you’re never giving enough at work or at home. The to-do list is never-ending, and time for yourself is at the bottom.

This program will support you to untangle yourself from impossible societal expectations, explore inner beliefs that are holding you back and develop your inner authority so that you feel more present and fulfilled in your mothering and paid work.

The ultimate goal of this transformative eight weeks: no more living your life against someone’s else’s KPIs. It’s time to define life on your own terms.


The realities of working motherhood are often unspoken, not to mention virtually unsupported. Our Western culture has unrealistic standards for what it means to be a successful working mom, and mothers have been left to figure it out on their own (a pandemic certainly didn’t help). The fact that it feels impossible is not your fault; our systems are not built to support you.

Perhaps you’ve found yourself:

  • Asking “how can I have a thriving career and be the mom I want to be?”

  • Torn between work and at home, like you’re not able to give your all to either 

  • Trying to do everything and feeling guilty about where you’re not living up to expectations

  • Comparing yourself back to who you were pre-kids 

  • Struggling to find time for yourself

  • Feeling like you’re doing it all, alone 

  • Feeling as if your life doesn’t feel how you thought it would

  • Wondering if you’re the only one that feels this way


Using the lens of matrescence, my study of the sociology of motherhood and 15 years experience as a personal and leadership development coach where I’ve coached hundreds of working moms, I’ve created this program so that you will:

  • Be more confident in your choices, even ones that feel impossible

  • Put boundaries into place to feel more present and calm at work and at home

  • Have more time for yourself

  • Feel less guilt + more self compassion 

  • Assertively advocate for yourself and your goals and needs

  • Grow your community of moms who are navigating the same path as you

Across eight weeks, we’ll compassionately explore:

  • Explore how you’ve evolved throughout your matrescence, reconcile ambition and mothering, and unpack the myth of balance.

  • Get clear on your values and key priorities and define your own version of success.

  • Develop a new perspective on self doubt, feelings of failure and guilt so that they no longer hold you back at work or at home.

  • How to handle difficult decisions, manage the never-ending to do list of motherhood and manage conversations with partners at work and at home.

  • Prioritize yourself, your wellbeing and resilience as a working parent and whole human. We’ll explore how you can make time for yourself when it feels impossible amongst work and mothering.

  • Create a plan so that you can continue to feel well as you progress your personal and career aspirations.

How It Works

This is an eight week program that offers individual and group support. There are two packages to choose from:

Option 1

This package includes tailored one-on-one coaching support to bookend the program along with group coaching sessions: 

  • Two x 45 minute one-on-one coaching sessions to be completed on weeks 1 and 8

  • Six x 75 minute group coaching sessions


Option 2

This package includes self-guided reflection exercises to bookend the program along with group coaching sessions.

  • Two x tailored self-guided reflection exercises to be completed on weeks 1 and 8

  • Six x 75 minute group coaching sessions

Meet Cayley

Over 15 years as a personal and leadership development coach, I’ve worked with C-suite executives and leaders in retail, tech, legal, banking, manufacturing, and mining, as well as professional athletes, yoga teachers, and entrepreneurs. Yet early on in my career, I noticed a mismatch between what moms would share with me in confidential coaching sessions and what was being spoken about in the broader world in terms of motherhood.

My career has been focused on supporting leaders through transitions, and I’ve come to see that one of the greatest transitions a human can experience is becoming a mother.


When I became a mother, I was determined to support my own transition in a different way. I learned about Dr. Aurelie Athan’s work on matrescence and have been fortunate to be mentored by her, and I learned about the sociology of Motherhood Studies and completed a certification with Dr. Sophie Brock, Motherhood Studies sociologist. The questions that linger on my mind: why isn’t everyone talking about this? How can we support mothers in a better way?

My own matrescence has lit a fire of social justice within me; I’m determined to redefine the experience of motherhood. My work focuses on exploring the inner experience of a mother - her matrescence - and the social and cultural factors that influence the experience of being a mom.

Mothers are expected to “resume life as normal” and “go back” to the way things were, particularly in relation to paid work.  The truth is you will grow and evolve throughout your matrescence and something new is emerging.  I am here to support you to claim your power as a mother and define life on your own terms. This is empowered mothering. 

What previous clients have said


“Before the program, I was stuck, lost in knowing what I needed or how to make any changes, and overwhelmed by so many different emotions and exhaustion. This program found me just when I needed it and it feels like I just got shot out of a huge sling shot. More energy, more support, more seen. Now I feel like I know the way forward and have tools to get there.”

- Mei

“I had never before realized how quickly and thoroughly cultural norms and stigmas pervaded my own idea of being a good mom. This program helped me to rethink what I value and shifted my day to day experience of being a mom.” 

— Ainslie

“I didn’t know how much I needed this program - only when I was asked to stop, notice and think about myself did I realize I was holding so much.  Thank you for creating a safe space for me to open up. I’ve been able to identify certain feelings and patterns and gained tools to work on them. I have felt so much more calm lately. “

— Felicia

Anyone who identifies as a mother is welcome to join this program. This is a safe space for members of the LGBTQIA2S+ community and for adoptive, foster, and biological parents.