Matrescence & the Identity Shift of Motherhood

In Person | Wednesday April 10, 11:45-1:00pm PST

The Nook is a weekly meetup held at Chorus & Clouds in Kitsilano to help rebuild your village. I’m thrilled to be their guest speaker sharing about Matrescence and the identity shift of motherhood.

When we allow others to hold us near and dear, to give care, to nourish and nurture us through postpartum, we may notice the haze lifts and becomes a little lighter. Being supported by others may lighten your world. In the very tough early days of the pandemic, 'our villages' may have closed up and perhaps for some even vanished.

But we're here to say, we've got you.  

This is a free event and includes tea and live music by children's musician Jess. No need to book, just come!

Chorus & Clouds is located at 2505 W. Broadway, Vancouver


Prioritizing Yourself as a Parent

In Person | Wednesday April 21 1:00-2:30pm at Eastside Family Place

Parenthood is 24/7, and it can feel impossible at times to make space for our own needs. In this free workshop, we’ll explore how you can claim more of yourself in parenthood. You’ll leave with tangible ideas on how you can weave in your own needs and desires into your day to day.

Eastside Family Place is located at 1655 William Street in Vancouver. This workshop is free, but please register ahead of time.